PLACES - Grey Bruce

Loree Forest Trail

There is no nicer day than today to visit the Loree Forest Trail. The roughly 5.3 kms trail includes a portion of the Georgian Peaks Ski Club, and cover some sections of the Bruce Trail and Len Gertler Side Trail.  On this sunny winter day the place was just gorgeous. Pristine white Read more…

By emarene, ago
PLACES - Ontario

Shorter Days

As days get shorter and the weather gets colder our hikes are limited only on weekends. Photos taken during our past hikes. It was like saying goodbye to some memorable places – hoping to see them again next summer and fall. Boyne Provincial Park – November 7, 2020 Darlington Provincial Read more…

By emarene, ago
PLACES - Ontario

Elred King Woodlands

Enjoying the remaining colorful days of fall at Elred King Woodlands at Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario. “How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.”~ John Burroughs

By emarene, ago