A very memorable trek for the Twosome Wanderers – for this time we became the 3 Bears! The son not only joined us for the Thanksgiving weekend he also joined us for a hike. In fact it was him who chose the Nottawasaga Bluffs Conservation Area.

We took the main trail at the start and made a side trip to the Key Hole trail to see the rocks and try our skills with the crevices. It took some maneuvering and getting into tight spaces, but we managed.

After we got out from that spot, we proceeded to the main trail again towards the look-out. There was a group of picnickers and a few other hikers all staying within their bubble.

More walking and just enjoying the colors.

Two hours and a half after, we were back to the parking lot, where a long line of cars were parked. It definitely paid off to be a bit early.