We were looking for a hiking trail and remembered Uxbridge. It has been a long while since we were here last and we thought it would be great to see the different scenery. However, it was the tiny, pretty and colorful distractions that made this hike such a breeze.
We found different varieties of mushrooms just about anywhere near dead trees. Yellow, red, orange, pink; smooth, embossed, crinkled, even one with spikes! – all they needed were Kabouters and it would have been straight from children’s story books.

I was already happy with the mushrooms, but there was icing on the cake for this hike. The seemingly endless goldenrod fields. So beautiful!!

The trail we took was around 5 km long from the roadside parking at Westney Road. We headed to G23 and proceeded to G13, G12, G14, G15, G16, G17, G22 (enclosed in the rectangle on the photo below) back to where we started. With so many things diverting our attention, it took us around 2 hours. No regrets, it was a hike for the eyes.