The last time we were in Cambridge for the murals was in 2017. Little did I know Cambridge had an International Street Art Festival in 2018 and a lot of street art had been added. Then I stumbled upon Stroll Walking Tours, a business which offers guided mural walking tour in Cambridge.
From the 15 or so murals we viewed, it is hard to pick favorites. Each artwork has its own beauty, its own story.

“The One Turkey Vulture” by Birdo.

At 40 Main St., by the “Healthy Rabbit restaurant”, a collage of works by several artists including Shalak Attack, Birdo, Mediah, BrunoSmoky, Odeith and a few others.

Back in 2017 when we first saw this mural – it was just “A Bear”. But the mural walking tour changed that.
This artwork is by South African muralist Sonny as part of his project “To The Bone”. Sonny traveled the world in 2017 to cover as many places as possible with giant murals, depicting endangered animals in order to raise public awareness for endangered wildlife. His other “To The Bone” murals can be found in Miami, Russia, Ireland, UK. This is the only one in Canada (lucky Cambridge!). Looking closer, one can see the details, feel the fierceness, and the passion poured through the artist’s excellent work of art.
This is no longer just “A Bear”, this is a grizzly bear “Kicking Up Dust” fighting for survival as they are still threatened by trophy hunt in British Columbia. I just turned into a Sonny follower.
Mural Walking Tour, Cambridge – Oct 15, 2022