Twosome Wanderings just can’t say goodbye to 2019 without a “LAST CHASE”. This time we followed the Cavan Monaghan Barn Quilt Trail. Barn Quilts are painted wooden blocks based on quilt designs and installed on barns, heritage buildings, home fronts or business establishments. Barn Quilt Trails promote rural art, honor quilters, tell stories and draw motorists to rural highways and back roads. Cavan Monaghan is a township in Peterborough County southwest of the city of Peterborough.
What a fun way to end this year’s wanderings!
The photos below are from the Driving Trail which took us around an hour with 10 barn quilts in total.

“One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” – 1312 Tapley ¼ Line, Millbrook . This quilt block honors the history of this building which was once used for the shoe making cottage industry then later became a rural post office.

“Dancer’s Pose” 1128 Tapley ¼ Line, Millbrook – a unique block designed by the H.A.R.T. yoga studio owner.

“Maple Seasons” 1477 Sunset Drive, Cavan – reflecting the importance of the Maple Tree in the lives of the property owners who produce maple syrup of course!

“Horse over the Barn Door” 1445 Carmel Line, Cavan – a reminder of the owners grandparents passion – horses. The barn door was open when I took the photo.

“Spinning Wheel” 554 Peterborough County Rd 21, Millbrook – another block quilt design showing the love of farming and horses.
Bottom : Broken Star at 275 Brackenridge Drive, Millbrook

“Sunbonnet Souvenir” 1878 County Road 10, Ida – barn quilt block featuring the traditional Sunbonnet Sue quilt pattern is a reminder of the building’s interesting history.